
Friday 11 August 2017


1. Arthritis
    Bone tumor

2.About 95% of a young woman's peak bone mass in present by age 20,and some overall gains in mass often continue until age 30.The average bo has his fastest rate growth hight in between ages 13 and 14,and stops growing between ages 17 and 18.

3.The human skeleton begins to develop 13 to 16 weeks after conception. At birth, a human has about 300 bones and cartilage elements, and many bones that will eventually fuse together are still separate, although joined by tough membranes. The malleable nature of cartilage allows for a baby’s easier passage through the birth canal.

4. -The adult human body has 206 of them
    -There are 26 bone in the human foot
    -The human hand,including the wrist contains 54 bone  
    -The femur,or thighbones,is the longest strongest bone in human skeleton
    -The stapes,in the middle ear ,is smallest and lightest bone of the human skeleton

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