
Tuesday 6 August 2019


In the scene where PK and Gideon Duma is running we see the aspect of Long Shot. We see the long queue of the toilet. The purpose of this was to see how many people are there in the long queue and the director used Long shot. It makes the audience feel sad for the people that are waiting for the long queue of the toilet. It also makes the audience shocked because there is only one toilet for 200 people.This is important because it teaches us about history, and it tells us what have they been through. 

In the scene we also see the aspect of Mid Shot.We see this when Pk and Gideon Duma is Drinking water in the tap. The one tap says “Whites only” and the other one says “Non whites only”. The director wants us to think about the waterfall in the following scene. The director is also showing us that white and black people were not treated equally.It  makes the audience feel sad to what they see above the tap water. This teaches us that if white and black people go together it's Illegal during that time.

What am i proud of?
- I'm proud to what I've done because i tried my best even though i only write two paragraph.

What can i do to improve next time?
-I think the thing i can improve next time is more focus and not being lazy.

What is one thing i enjoyed about learning about film?
-One thing that i enjoyed learning about this film is


  1. Great job Carl I think you did a good job of putting this all together but something to work on next time would be adding more detail.

  2. Hey Carl, I think you've done a great job, I think you need to know when to use capital letters and when not to. I also think there are some grammar problems you can work on but other than that, you done a great job and nice layout.


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