
Thursday 31 August 2017

Being a specialist

Lo - Describe relevant information about choosen 8/31/17

A specialist in Eye Cancer
Image result for eye tumorImage result for eye tumor
Image result for eye tumorImage result for eye tumor

-Eye cancer

-This disease was discovered on December 12,2008

-Cancer Cancers affecting the retina usually occur in the choroid, a dense layer of blood vessels that supplies the retina. The choroid is sandwiched between the retina and the sclera (the outer white layer of the eye). Because the retina depends on the choroid for its support and half of its blood supply, damage to the choroid by a cancer is likely to affect vision.

-cancerous tumor is malignant, meaning it can grow and spread to other parts of the body. Cancer that forms in the eyeball is called an intraocular (inside the eye) malignancy. Medical doctors who specialize in the diseases and function of the eye are called ophthalmologists or “eye MDs”.

-Other, rare cancers of the eye include: Conjunctival melanoma is a tumor of the conjunctiva, which is a membrane that lines the eyelid and eyeball. If it is not treated, it can spread to the lymph nodes, which are tiny, bean-shaped organs located throughout the body that fight disease.

-At high energy, protons can destroy cancer cells. Using radiation therapy to treat the tumor may result in some vision loss or other complications, so doctors may recommend other treatments first. However, treatment for eye cancer using radiation therapy is continually improving.

Friday 25 August 2017

LO-Understand what the 5 senses and prepare for/carry out an experiment         8/24/17  & 8/25/17

Aim-To carry out what this experiment safely and fun with it plus by showing them what our senses could.

Equipments-Five Pennies,cups ,tables
Image result for penniesImage result for cupsImage result for table

  1. Put a cup in front of your partner. It should be about 2 feet away from him or her.
  2. Ask your partner to close one eye.
  3. Hold one of the pennies in the air about 18 inches above the table. Move it around slowly.
  4. Tell your partner that you'll drop the penny whenever he or she says, "Drop it!" The idea is for your partner — with one eye closed — to judge when the penny is over the cup so the penny will drop into the cup.
  5. Give your partner five tries with one eye closed, then five tries with both eyes open. Which way worked best?
To be safe not to swallow the pennies

The flag expirement 


Friday 18 August 2017


Lo-be able to identify,locate and describe the function of muscles

-Gluteus maximus


-Make up 40% of total body weight
-The smallest muscle,like the smallest bones,are found in the middle ear,some of these are tensor tympani(connected to the eardrum)and to the stapedius.
-Muscles cannot push,they can only pull.The reason the arm can push is muscles in the back of the arm pulling the elbow
-The strongest muscle in the body?Pound for pound,it's the muscle that chew with  - called the masseters
-Humans are born with all of the muscles fibres they will ever had.they don grow new fibres,they just grow new fibres,they just grow thicker
-If all of the muscles in the body could all pull in one direction,it would create a force of 25 force of tons
-Smiling takes 17 muscles ,called cardiac muscle .this muscle work by itself with no thought no heartbeats anywhere from 60 to 100 time a minute,every minute day in human life.

Where is the following muscle located

1.Bicep is located at upper arm
2.Tricep is located at back of the upper limb
3.Gluteus maximus is located on battocs  
4.Abdominals is located on your tummy 
5.Quadriceps is located at upper part of your leg
6.Deltoid is located at the next part of your shoulder
-Muscle cannot make 40% of body weight
-muscle cannot push they can only pull 

Biceps-The bicep Brachii is a bi-articular muscle,which means that it helps control the motion of the different joints
Image result for what is the job of the biceps muscle

Triceps-The triceps is an extensor muscle of the elbow joint and an antagonist of the biceps and brachialis and brachialis muscles
Image result for what is the job of the triceps  muscle

Gluteus maximus-The gluteus maximus muscle is responsible for movement of the hip and thigh. 
Image result for what is the job of the gluteus maximus  muscle

Abdominal-They assist in the breathing process as accessory muscles of respiration. Moreover, these muscles serve as protection for the inner organs.
Image result for what is the function of the abdominals muscle

 Quadriceps-All four quadriceps are powerful extensors of the knee joint.
Image result for what is the function of the quadriceps muscle

Deltoid-The deltoid has three distinct functions that correspond to the three bands of muscle fibers.
Image result for what is the function of the deltoid muscle

Trapezius-Its functions are to move the scapulae and support the arm.
Image result for what is the function of the Trapezius muscle

Gastrocnemius-Function. Along with the soleus muscle, the gastrocnemius forms half of the calf muscle. Its function is plantar flexing the foot at the ankle joint and flexing the leg at the knee joint.
Image result for what is the function of the Gastrocnemius muscle