
Thursday 21 February 2019

Language Features (Onomatopoeia)

Onomatopoeia-the formation of a word from a sound associated with what is named 
- Onomatopoeia is a word that imitates the sound that it represents
Image result for example of onomatopoeia
Examples of onomatopoeia
-Boom                                 -Squeak
-Hoot                                   -Groan
-Zoom                                  -Vroom
-Buzz                                   - Splash
-Tap Tap Tap                       - Pow

Wednesday 20 February 2019

English (Simile and metaphor)

Definition of Similes and metaphors

Both similes and metaphors are forms of analogy; they are descriptive figures of speech.

Simile- Simile is like comparing one thing to another by using "as" or "like"
*Example of similes
- Her face is like a wrecking ball
- He eats like dog
- He is as good as pro
- She is as cool as a wolf
- Jason is as strong as Elephant

Metaphor- A metaphor is like simile but directly stating it.
*Examples of Metaphors
- I am a dog
- He is an elephant
- She is an icicle
- He is pig
- I am weak

Tuesday 19 February 2019

English (Haiku)

Haiku is a short form of Japanese poetry

Haiku's Definition- Haiku is a Japanese poem of seventeen syllables, in three lines of five, seven, and five, traditionally evoking images of the natural world.

Haiku has 3 lines of 5 syllables at the first line and 7 syllable at the second line and at the last one it has 5 syllables to the last one.

3 Examples of Haiku

5-  Everything Changes
7-  Summer gives way to winter
5-  Nothing ever last

5-  Refreshing and Cool
7-  Love is a sweet Summer Rain
5-  That washes the world

5-  Points of line on black
7-  Growing ball of light full moon
5-  Whoosh, a shooting star

Monday 18 February 2019

Human Rights

LO: What they already new 
What they found interesting
What they would like to learn next