
Wednesday 31 May 2017

Ice Cream

31st May 2017

LO -  create a detailed plan for making icecream.

Aim: I want to find out how does the ice cream made by shaking the zip lock bags

Large zip lock bags-
Image result for large ziplock bags

Milk-                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Image result for milk

Sugar-                                                                                                                                          Image result for sugar

Image result for chocolate sauce

Chocolate sauce-                                                                                                                       

Ice-                                   Image result for ice                                             

 Vanilla-     Image result for vanilla extract                                               

Method:1.Fill the ziplock bag of ice half of it and add sea salt mix it up                                             
2.Put a cup of half and milk on a bag 1/2 of sugar and vanilla extract mix it up                                 
3.seal the bag and put it in  another bag to prevent leaks and burning through the plastic.and put it in a  zip lock.bag with the ice and sea salt                                                                                         
4. mix t up about 20 minutes                                                                                                        
5.remove the zip lock bag with ice cream on it and enjoy.        
6. put a chocolate sauce on ice cream                                                            


Thursday 25 May 2017

DATE:Thursday 25th May 2017

LO:Identify the science that is involved with 4 chosen careers

Chemist used Graduated cylinder and beakers

Forensic Scientist Use  Magnifying glass

Geoscientist:Rock hammer,Hand lens,and pencil magnet

Environmental  Science uses magnifying glass 

Wednesday 24 May 2017

Careers in Science

 LO-Identify careers that involve Science.

What are some Science Careers?

CHEMIST- A person Engaged in chemical research or experiments
    Image result for chemist                                                                                   
CONSERVATIONIST-A person who advocates or acts for the protection and preservation of the environment and wildlife
Image result for Conservationist

ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENTIST-A person who is concerned about protecting the environment
Image result for environmental scientist

ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE-Environmental science is defined as a branch of biology focused on the study of the relationships of the natural world and relationships between organism and their environments
Image result for Environmental Science

FORENSIC SCIENTIST-The application of the science methods and techniques to matter under investigation by of court of law
Image result for Forensic Scientist

GEOSCIENTIST-The sciences(such as Geology,Geophysics,Geochemistry)
Image result for Geoscientist

HYDROLOGIST-Hydrologist is a scientific study of the movement,distribution,and quality of water on earth and other planets,including the water cycles,water resource and invironental watershed sustainability
Image result for Hydrologist

MEDICAL SCIENTIST-The science of dealing with the maintenance of health and the prevention and treatment of disease
Image result for Medical Scientist

Thursday 18 May 2017

                                                    VORTEX CANNON

Aim-I want to find out how far the smoke rings go?Our prediction is the ring will travel about half of classroom or far more it could.We will hit Weak,Medium,Hard

Hypothesis-Our hypothesis that the rings

What we need
Image result for plastic bucket

-Heavy duty trash bag

Duck tape

-Box cutter

-Smoke machine

-Smoke machine


1.Collect equipment
2.Get a box cutter and cut a medium hole in the bucket
3.Wrap the plastic bag around the bucket and tape it
4.Fill bucket some smoke and hit it weak,medium,and hard
5.Hit the bucket with the weak and heat measure of distance of the ring
6.Hit the bucket with medium hit and measure the distance of the ring
7.Hit the bucket with the hard smack and measure the distance of the ring
May 11, 2017 12:42:41 PM.jpg
May 11, 2017 12:46:37 PM.jpgMay 11, 2017 12:42:03 PM.jpg

What we find out-that our vortex cannon that made out of buckets that the rings of it will go out find meters if it had some smoke we could've find out easily.Our hypothesis is right that the rings could fly about half of the science room.