
Tuesday 26 March 2019

DNA extraction (Science)

Aim -
-Our aim is to successfully extract DNA from the Kiwi Fruit

Method -
-Using Spatula, Scoop, 1/2 kiwifruit into and bag. Add 25ml Water + a pinch of salt
-Mush until a thick soup
-Pour over cloth into funnel into beaker.
-Pour liquid into test tube. Add dish washing liquid + swirl. Allow to sit for 5 mins.
-Tilt test tube on liquid on 45 degree angle and slowly pour 10ml of ethanol down the side.
-Allow to sit.

- When we add ethanol it started to separate it.

-Water helped break kiwifruit apart.
-Salt help climb the DNA
-Ethanol helped to see it as it sits on top

Conclusion- We successfully extracted DNA from the kiwi fruit


Monday 25 March 2019

Child slavery Paragraph

Child Slavery is still happening even in modern times, There are still a large percentage  of people that are still in Child Slavery. A lot of children are kidnapped and forced to do all labor works. Labor works are Carpet making, Brick making and mining. Their rights were taken away as they don't have choice. For example the human rights that they have had taken from them are Freedom and Access to education. Most of these slaves pay their dept to the Money-lenders, they work all day, every day, and they don't get paid fairly. The Children were kidnapped and do work as they told to do like Carpet making, Brick making and Mining and they lose their human rights such as Freedom and Access to Education.


In Social Studies, we've been learning about Modern Child Labour in different countries, and there is a lot of differences in each and every country like; Carpet making, Mining, Brick making and Mining.

Here is my map and my map shows all the places where child labor happens and when you click on the pins some information pops up saying how much children were used and where the children worked in.

Friday 15 March 2019

Hottest and Coldest place on earth

Coldest place on earth 
adelie-penguins-diving-antarctica.jpgSummer at Vostok Station in Antarctica is still plenty cold, but winter atop the East Antarctic Plateau is as cold as it gets on Earth. Scientists already knew that the lowest temperatures ever measured on Earth were on a frozen ice ridge in eastern Antarctica, near the South Pole
There are also animals that live in Antarctica, there are Adelie penguin, Chinstrap penguin, Leopard Seals, Elephant seals, Snow petrels, king penguin, Emperor penguin, Killer whales (Orca), Wandering Albatross, Blue whale, and more.

Hottest place on earth was named Death Valley, Death Valley is also known as Hottest, Driest, and Lowest National Park. 
- In this below-sea level basin, steady drought and record summer heat make Death Valley a Land of Extremes. Yet, Each extreme has a striking contrast. Towering peaks are frosted with winter snow. Rare rainstorms bring vast fields of wildflowers. Lush oases harbor tiny fish and refuge for wildlife and humans. Despite its morbid name, a great diversity of life survives in Death Valley.There are also animals that leave in the hottest place on earth and they are called, dessert bighorn sheep, Dessert cottontail, Roadrunner, Mojave fringe toed lizard, and kit Fox.The hottest temperature in Death valley is; In fact, the all-time hottest temperature ever measured on Earth came on July 10, 1913, when Death Valley hit a sizzling 134 Fahrenheit (56.7 degrees C) 
Image result for desert cottontailImage result for kit fox