
Friday 1 December 2017

Science award trust

Task number 3

Aim:My aim is to create a flow chart to show what can be done to look for whales that are stranded on the beach bbbbb

1. (Carl) I need to research and think what can be done to look after whales that are stranded on the beach
2. ( Ivan) Make a flow chart and put my findings in the flow chart 
3.Publish my blog

Task number 9 

Aim-My aim is to plant a seed and to grow and take care for for at least 4 weeks.

1.Ask miss for a seed.
2.Take a container and soil for the seed.
3.Plant your seed or put your seed in the middle of the soil.
4.Water your plant/seed.

1.Take a seed 
2.Take a container and a soil for a the seed.
3.Plant your seed.
4.Water your plant/seed.



Task number 32

Aim-My aim is to list the ways in which each can have its chance of survival

1.My plan is to select one endangered plant and animal.And research and list the ways in which each can have a chance of survival
2.Publish my blog.

(Ivan&Carl)  1. Select a native animal and plant
(Carl)            2.Research about how may selected animal and plant could survive of extinction
(Ivan)            3.List my findings. 
                     4.Publish my blog


Task number 20

Aim-My aim is to make my 6 traditional proverbs in everyday life

1.My plan is to select 6 traditional proverbs o everyday life 
2.Put it on Google drawing and put it on blog
3.Publish my blog 

Task number 21
 Aim-My aim is to find the detailed timetable of the history of New Zealand National Parks

1.Make a detailed timetable of the history of New Zealand national park 
2.Put it on my blog
Year discovered the parks
1.Abel Tasman National park-Abel Tasman is officially recognized as the first European to 'discover' New Zealand in 1642. His men were the first Europeans to have a confirmed encounter with Maori.
2. Aoraki /Mount cook-25 December 1894. At 1.30 on the afternoon of Christmas Day 1894, while many New Zealanders were relaxing and enjoying festive fare, three young men based at the Hermitage became the first to stand atop 3764 m Aoraki/Mt Cook, the highest mountain in the colony.

3.Arthur's pass-The pass was known to Maori, who used it to bring poundage (jade) across the Southern Alps. It was crossed for the first time by Europeans in 1864 and named after the surveyor Arthur Dobson.

4.Egmont/Mount taranaki-It appeared as Mount Egmont on maps until 29 May 1986

5.Fiord land National park-1953 that Milford Sound was accesible by road 

6.Kahurangi-Kahurangi was discovered Since February 25 2017

7.Mt.Aspiring-Māori named it Tititea, which translates as Glistening Peak. It was named in December 1857 by the Chief Surveyor for the Otago Province, John Turnbull Thomson. It is also often called 'the Matterhorn of the South,' for its pyramidal peak when seen from the Matukituki River.

8.Nelson Lakes-The nelson lakes was discovered since 1956
Task number 5

Aim-My aim is to find a small creature that lives in the bush or stream

1.Ask miss if my plan is ok 
2.Get the petrie dish that traps the small creature 
3.Go out and find a small creature 
4.Describe the creature and where it lives


Task 1

Aim-My aim is to describe what conservation is means to me and then ask 6 other people for their ideas record similarities and differences after that i will out the department of conservation definition at the end

1.I will describe conservation means
2.Ask 6 other people about their ideas
3.Put the department of consevation defenetion at the end

            Identify Conservation Meaning

Me-Conservation means to protect or guard a certainly living being and keep it away from extinction

Juliana-Conservation is when people mentain the earths resources trees and animals keeping the earth green

Henry-to protect liing beings and keeping them away from extinction

Joel-I think conservation is when you protect certain animal or plant extiction

Zach-Coservation is being able to save or last something or a longer time

Maegan-i think is conervation helping the native animals and plants 

Nathan-Conservation is our actions or going to be sustainable 

Similarities-We are all thinking about keeping things longer and away from extinction

Diffences-We dont have any differences except for juliana she wants to keep the earth green and healthy

Under the act of conservation area is defines as land or for shore held for conservation purposes or land in respect of which an interest is held for conservation purposes

Task number 27

Aim-My aim is to investigate and record some traditional ways of preserving food that have been used in New Zealand 

1.Research some traditional ways of preserving food in New Zealand 
2.Put my finding on my blog 

"Māori never cooked in the same buildings that they slept in. Instead kai (food) was prepared in the open air or in special cooking sheds."

"In regions such as Rotorua hāngī have for centuries been cooked using geothermal steam."
"Smaller quantities of food such as fish and birds were grilled on sticks over glowing embers. Birds might also be wrapped in clay, or fish in leaves, and placed on the embers."
"Since Māori did not make pottery, their only means of boiling food was to place a red-hot stone in a wooden bowl of liquid."
"Māori preserved large quantities of food, to save for leaner times or to trade with other tribes."